To find out how WhatsApp accounts can be scammed and to learn about other scams doing the rounds click here

Next Daffodil Day - 28th March 2025
Volunteers Needed:
The Irish Cancer Society is seeking Daffodil Day Community Organisers in our community. Your enthusiasm and organisational skills can raise vital funds and awareness for cancer patients and their families.
If you have a few hours to spare, have good connections in your local community and are available on the 28thMarch 2025, you're the perfect candidate to support the organisation of Daffodil Day in your area.
Your time will assure that the Irish Cancer Society can continue to provide much needed services to cancer patients and anyone impacted by cancer in Ireland.
For more information and to become a Daffodil Day Community Organiser, please contact Monica at volunteer@irishcancer.ie.

Click here for details and registration etc.
Adult Cycle
Enjoy Safe
All information on this initiative can be found on this Eventbrite link

8 Week Gym Programme for Men.

Boxes around the base of trees are not supported or encouraged by Dublin City Council
For more information on this topic please click here
The National Museum of Ireland have recently published a resource called, “Succession Planning: A Guide for Community Archives and Heritage Groups” which can be used, to good effect by any volunteer and community group. You can download the FREE resource here.

Edenmore Walking Group
Pictured below are members of the Edenmore Walking Group during their hike to the Hellfire Club recently. This walking group is an offshoot from Ayrfield Circle of Friends. Sponsored by Dublin City Council, the group meet every week to participate in various activities.
To date we have attended First Aid and Self Defence courses, chair exercises, yoga, swimming, and we go walking locally during the week. Recently we hiked up to the Hellfire Club. The group are also planning to hill walk the Wicklow Way, Vartry Reservoir Loop and Glendalough.
Shortly we will attend a Yoga/Mindfulness class for six weeks. This is run in conjunction with Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing.
We are indebted to the organisers of these events, especially Olivia and Fergal from Dublin City Council who sponsor the trips and look after us so well.
On that note the Ayrwaves Team wish to thank Dublin Council for their recent grant under the auspices of the Community Grant Section Scheme 2023. Thanks to Sheila Duffy for her guidance and support.

Mens swimming programme
Coolock pool for your information.
Classes starting 16th January. You can sign up through Eventbrite, link below.
Or contact Olivia Shattock, Sports Officer at 086 3835020 for further information.

Cycle Against Suicide invite community groups, clubs and associations to join their free mental health, peer support training. This training aims to provide support to the heart of the communities as a critical part of mental health awareness. Further information about the group and its events here.
Change for Life, Sports & Wellbeing Initiative
Eventbrite link for potential participants wishing to sign up.

Colin O'Shea releasing new album and also setting up music school in Ard-na-Gréine
Ard-na-Gréine based singer-songwriter Colin O'Shea is set to release his highly anticipated second album, "Bright Yellow Shiny Gold." Following the critically acclaimed success of his debut release, Colin continues to showcase his artistic growth and musical versatility, and is set to captivate listeners with an eclectic blend of genres. Colin is also setting up a new music school in Ard-na-Gréine and we wish him luck with both ventures.
For detailed information on the album and the music school click here
Dublin Airport Launches Advice Guide for Older Passengers
June 16, 2023
Possibly of interest to many Ayrfield residents is this initiative of Dublin Airport.
For details click on the link below:
The Parishes of All Saints Raheny and St Johns Coolock:
The Institution of Kevin Ronne. A New Church of Ireland Clergyman has been appointed to "St John the Evangelist Church," Tonlegee Road, Coolock.
The Rev. Kevin Ronne Institution on the 1st June 2023 in All Saints Church Raheny can be viewed on You Tube (link below).

Dublin City Council are carrying out an audit of planters in the North Central Area and plan to remove planters that are not being maintained and relocate them in areas that are on the waiting list.
Resident Association/Environmental Groups - please take note of details available at this link.
McAuley Park Walking programme
This is a social walking programme open to all fitness levels and abilities. No experience needed - you just join in and go at your own pace.
Meeting Point: McAuley Park Artane at 10:00am
in front of The Artane Coolock Family Resource Centre
For Dublin City Public Participation Network news and event guide click here

A National Strategy for Migrant Integration
Minister of State, for Community Development, Integration and Charities, Joe O’Brien has launched a public consultation to inform the development of a national strategy for migrant integration. The closing date for a submission to this strategy was 30 November 2023, and you can read more about the strategy here
Leaf Fall Season
To download Information leaflet for groups and residents' associations who want to volunteer in partnership with Dublin City Council please click here

Dublin City Sports Plan 2023 - 2028
Dublin City Council (DCC) is the largest local authority in Ireland, with a population in excess of 600,000 living within its administrative area. DCC are currently in the process of developing a new Dublin City Sports Plan for the period 2023 – 2028. The aim of the new Sports Plan is to take a strategic look at DCC’s provision of sports and recreation facilities, infrastructure, programmes & services. The ambition is to provide as much opportunity as possible for people to access sport and physical activity, enriching the lives of the city’s citizens and visitors.
In order to inform the development of the new Sports Plan, a comprehensive public and stakeholder engagement process is underway.
For further information click on Dublin City Council link below:
Community Employment Positions Available
We have been notified by Dublin City Council that a range of Community Employment positions are available for immediate start.
The positions available include:
Maintenance Worker
Care Assistant
Afterschools Assistant
Childcare Assistant
Catering Assistant
Sports Hall Assistant
Environmental Worker
There are positions based in Darndale, Priorswood, Kilbarrack and Donaghmede.
If you are interested in applying, the contact information is below:
Phone: (01) 8771600 or Email: hrteam@villagecentre.ie
You can also drop into the Bell Building Main Reception to apply.
From: Joanne O'Sullivan <joanne.osullivan@dublincity.ie>
Date: Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 3:39 PM
Subject: Boxes around the base of trees are not supported or encouraged by Dublin City Council
Dear Environmental Groups,
We would once again like to draw your attention to the fact that building boxes around the base of trees is detrimental to their health.
We discourage this and would ask that if you would like to enhance the base of trees in your area with plants that you do this without building structures around them.
The following list of plants were recommended to me by a gardener in DCC – they self-seed easily into cracks in paths and walls and thrive with very little soil or maintenance. These are all plants that do well in tree pits.
The key with planting into tree pits is to use very small plants as it will be very hard to dig into the soil due to the tree roots. Smaller plants will have a much stronger chance of taking root once they are kept watered in the weeks after planting.
1. Antirrhinum – I would try these as direct sown rather than as plants. Simply harvest the dried seed heads from established plants and scatter over the tree pit once the pit has been weeded and the soil scuffed up.
2. Verbena bonariensis – I have seen these absolutely thriving in tree pits where they have self seeded from neighbouring gardens. I would try as direct sown or as very immature plants for the best chance at success.
3. Campanula carpatica or campanula poscharskyana are great rockery plants that often thrive in cracks in walls so the dry environment of a tree pit is perfect for them.
4. Stachys byzantine – lamb’s ear. Divides very easily and not difficult to establish from small divisions. Great groundcover for dry sunny tree pits. Will not like shady spots.
5. Hardy geraniums – establish as small divisions from mature plants. Great groundcover.
6. Erigeron karvinskianus – Mexican flea bane – small daisy like flowers that self seeds very well. If you get a couple established on a road they will spread so easily and look incredible, growing out of cracks in walls and pavements and in the neighbouring gardens.
7. Erigeron glaucus – bright pink flowers that will be a carpet of blooms all summer.
8. Poppy – the field poppy, Papaver rhoeas do very well in dry poor soil so will establish well in tree pits once the soil is scuffled a bit. Harvest seed from ripe seedheads and scatter liberaly on the soil.
9. Cetranthus rubra – red valerian – seen in abundance in coastal areas and establishes very easily from seed.
10. Linaria purpurea – Purple toadflax – a beautiful purple wildflower that will spread very easily and requires very little maintenance.
11. Diascia and nemesia are two bedding plants that I have seen thrive in tree pits also and will often survive for a few years providing we do not have a very hard winter. They are both very easy to propagate from cuttings.
All of these plants are pollinator friendly.
I have attached an image showing tree bases with boxes that are damaging to trees and some images showing tree bases planted without box structures around them that are ok.
Important note: We cannot guarantee that any planting you do will be protected during footpath maintenance.
With best wishes
Joanne Ní Cheallaigh (O’Suileabhain) I Oifigeach Idirchaidrimh Comhshaoil
Oifig Cheantar an Lárthuaiscirt, Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath,
Ionad Cathartha an Taoibh Thuaidh, Bóthar Bhun Raite,
An Chúlóg, BÁC 17.
Phone: (01) 2228541 I 087 2868325 I *I northcentral@dublincity.ie

PPN Film Festival
Last year Dublin City Public Participation Network made ten films of PPN member groups, and the films are now available at the links below: