50th Anniversary of the Opening of St. Paul’s Junior School

On Tuesday November 19th, Bishop Paul Dempsey concelebrated Mass on the occasion of 50 years of St. Paul’s Junior School. He was assisted by Fr. Declan Blake PP, Mgr. Dan O’Connor Episcopal Vicar for Education and Deacon Gerard Reilly.
Among the symbols which were brought to the altar during the Mass was a skipping rope, a staff photograph, copy book, hurley and the first roll book of the school.
50 years is an important milestone in the history of the Junior School. It is an opportunity to reflect on the events and accomplishments that have moulded the school into what is today. Bishop Paul paid tributes to the school staff and to the pupils who were extremely well behaved.
St. Paul’s Junior & Senior Schools

Congratulations to St Paul's Senior National Schools on raising €800 for the Hospice foundation. The money was raised in the form of a school Bake Sale for which the children made over 700 cakes. Here pictured are pupils presenting their donation on Tuesday 11th October. Well done to all involved in this imaginative and successful initiative.
“It takes a community to educate a child”. St. Paul’s Junior School was first established in 1975. The vision back then was to build a school worthy of the children of Ayrfield, where they would all reach their full potential in a happy learning environment during their formative years. On 1st October 1978 St. Paul’s Senior School was established.
To quote a famous parish priest “The school is the most important institution in our parish”.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
School Websites:
St Paul's Junior National School https://www.stpaulsjns.ie/
St. Paul's Senior National School https://www.stpaulsnsayrfield.ie/